We have two periods of Rosetta class per week. Within those two you will be required to complete a Minumum of 50 minutes of Rosetta.A weekly Sunday Night Report will be printed to confirm that you have completed your time for each week.
GRADES are based on three areas. 1.) Participation (did you use class time fully?) 2.) Progress (did you complete a certain percentage of the program each week?) 3.) Score (how well did you do on each Rosetta computer lesson?).
Very important: missed classes for any reason must to be made up during that week during free time at school or at home. Grades will suffer due to missed class time.
Email your teacher if you have any questions. Best of Luck and Stay Healthy!
Your screen should pop up with the Log-In page just like it does in class.
Enter your Username and Password from class. You will also need to use a USB headset or earphones
with a microphone.
You can also use a Cell Phone, which I find to be easier, because you don't need a microhone. It's already in the phone! You will need to download the Rosetta App, pictured below, for Apple or Android phones. Click on
CELL PHONE for more detailed directions.
Every student's initial goal for the year is to complete 3-4 Rosetta Units
Each Unit usually contains 4 Core lessons
Each Core Lesson has a variety of practice sublessons.
(All lessons incorporate reading, writing, speaking and listening practice.)
Minimally, notebooks should be used to write down new words and concepts from each Core Lesson. And, of course, anything else each student thinks would help retention.