Purpose and Philosophy:
The community of St. John Paul II Regional School believes that our primary purpose is to prepare our students academically and spiritually to become good Christians. We believe that goals or academic excellence must espouse a value system based on Gospel truths and Catholic beliefs. Motivated by a spirit of compassion and charity, students are encouraged to assume leadership roles that will promote truth and justice. St. John Paul II Regional faculty believes that a complete education includes a religious dimension with Christ as the foundation of the entire educational process.
Our philosophy is based on a code of Christian conduct. As Disciples of Christ, we exist to nurture our students. This nurturing leads our students to a clearer and more personal understanding of the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Church. Furthermore, this nurturing promotes a sense of respect within the community while instilling moral and social values which prompts our students to seek and to exercise sound judgment. By adhering to this code, we strive as a community to teach our students to bear witness to Christian beliefs and values.
The curriculum is directed toward these ends. We are cognizant of the unique background and creativity of each student and the variations in individual patterns of maturation, motivation, and development. These components of the student are coupled with the needs of our country’s secular, democratic society to give our school its impetus. This impetus provides education in an atmosphere that guides, inspires, and leads students to achieve excellence and to search continually for methods of personal improvement.
Vital to the success of this community of faith is the commitment of our parents and clergy who share common goals with faculty and students. These goals help our students achieve personal academic excellence while they develop the fullness of their spiritual lives. This membership in the community of faith leads its members to build and strengthen St. John Paul II Regional School as a source of service and commitment to peace in our global society. This membership enables all who are part of our community to become effective messengers for Christ in the twenty-first century.
Our Goals: